Other Victim Service Providers

Converse County

Converse County Attorney’s Office - Victim/Witness Program

Heidi Mason, Victim Witness Coordinator

107 N. 5th Street

Suite 140

Douglas, WY 82633

Phone: 307-358-5020


Memorial Hospital of Converse County - SANE Program

(Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner)

Shelly Caskey, RN, SANE Coordinator

111 South 5th Street, P.O. Box 1450

Douglas, WY 82633

Phone: 307-358-2122 ext 1665

Email: scaskey@mhccwyo.org

Partner Support Agency for the Converse Hope Center

Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Sponsoring Agency for the Converse Hope Center

Wyoming Division of Victim Services